This weekend it will be February, and we have 31 days less to start with the changes that we resolved to make this new year.
We make big plans, desire a great life, and too often, we accept the status quo and think about change only when forced by events or circumstances. We are so busy performing mundane routine tasks that procrastination has become a way of life.
It’s not only you but all of us. You see, we are so busy leading existential lives with the objective of enjoying life later that we lose everything today. For instance, I want to learn to play the violin, and I have been putting it off for years because I think I am too busy anyway. Or maybe unconsciously, I think it’s too much of a worthless effort, after all, I don’t gain much by learning to play the violin. What about the Yoga class I wanted to go to…?

Things You Want to Do But Never Got Around

You see, it’s about attitude, changing the way we think. Perhaps, if there was no tomorrow, we would get around to doing things today itself.

  •  Did you make that phone call you thought you should?
  • Did you call up on your neighbor to appreciate her garden or ask if she needed help?
  • Did you start exercising?
  • Did you find out about the hobby class you have always been browsing?
  • Did you find out about the job you wanted to do?

 See, you have meant to do these but never got around to it.

It’s time to jerk ourselves out of the slumberous existence and make our lives interesting. It’s time to get out of your current attitude, lulled by routine. You may not realize it, but all this inaction, it eats into our self-confidence and lowers our self-esteem.
When was the last time your smile touched your eye?
When was the last time you laughed at yourself?
Are you saying ‘I love you’ mechanically?

It’s time to change our ATTITUDE. #MakeTheChange

Come, Be a Part of This Campaign!

In the month of February, the Transcription Certification Institute will highlight things that we always mean to do but never get around to it. We’d love you to be a part of this campaign.
You can either connect with us on Fb or Instagram and tell us what you have been meaning to do and been putting off for ages.
Or you can hit reply and write to us or you can post a comment on the blog.

We would love to compile your stories and post them on our blog if you give us permission.
It’s time we take charge of our lives and #MakeTheChange.

Share this message with others, and let’s motivate ourselves.
Let’s get push ourselves out of our comfort zone and do something that we have meant to do all day.

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