Things a General Transcriptionist Should Never Do

Things a General Transcriptionist Should Never Do

General transcriptionists serve a very important role in an office setting. It is up to them to transcribe meetings, videos, interviews, interrogations, and statements, as accurately and concisely as possible. Transcriptionists must pay close attention to detail to make sure they have included everything and performed all of the tasks the order calls for. There are a few things that a general transcriptionist should never do, however.

1. Never Assume

If you are unsure of a request or something within the tape is not clear, never assume that you know what the right answer is. Always ask either your supervisor or the client to make sure you have everything written down as accurately as possible.

2. Eliminate Distractions

Never work while you are distracted. Turn off your cell phone and make sure to turn down the volume of the ringer on your office phone. Make it a point to set aside personal thoughts and concerns while you are at work. Allowing distractions to interfere with your work causes mistakes and can lead to higher levels of stress and fatigue.

3. Always Double Check Your Work

As a general transcriptionist, accuracy is a must. Many documents, interviews, depositions and other items you transcribe are extremely sensitive. Your copy is often the finalized copy and should be as accurate as possible since it will be looked at as a reference point. Once you have finished a document, take a break and then return and double check the piece for any errors.

4. Never Rush

Plan your day accordingly so that you have plenty of time to reach each deadline without rushing. Rushing causes errors and if you are in a hurry, you may tend to overlook minor mistakes. It is up to you to make sure you provide the highest quality of work to your clients. Take the time you need so you can meet or exceed your client's standards with each and every document you produce.

Paying close attention to detail, checking for accuracy and meeting deadlines are the foundation for a successful business when it comes to general transcription.

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